The Golden Rule & Platinum Rule are misleading


I’m going to tell you how the Golden Rule & Platinum Rule are misleading. When I asked people what respect means, many people cite the golden rule – treat people the way that you would like to be treated. I think this is misleading because oftentimes, people don't want to be treated the way that you want to be treated. I personally like public acknowledgement, and I know some people really dislike getting praised in public. It embarrasses them. They might even think it superficial. And then there is the platinum rule, which is to treat people the way that they would like to be treated. The problem with that one, What if they don’t tell you the way they want to be treated. Or they may say, I want to be treated with respect, which is too generic, it’s not specific enough. So you may try to guess how they want to be treated by observing the way that they treat you. For example, if they bring you an elaborate gift every time they come to your home, you may feel that you need to give them an elaborate gift and it turns out, they actually don't want that. So the platinum rule of treat people the way they want to be treated can be difficult to decipher as well.

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